Tuesday Trivia with Matt - Episode 220
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the first episode of SEASON THREE of the Tuesday Trivia with Matt Fall Trivia League!
We had 14 teams join us for the first episode which is up from last year’s kickoff episode, so THANK YOU to everyone who participated, and I hope to see you again in the coming weeks!
We kicked off Season 3 with several rounds themed, appropriately, to the number three! We served up tracks by famous trios in the music round, featured synopsis snippets of three-word-titled TV shows in their third season, and wrapped up with having you guess three-letter words from famous idioms and sayings.
The trio-filled music round allowed me to include the 2001 hit “What Would You Do?” by City High… a song that I somehow still have all the lyrics stored in a corner of my brain, even 23 years later. Fun fact: one of the City High members, Ryan Toby, is the guy who hit the high-note during his solo in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit! Here’s the full video in all of its 2001 glory
Before we get to our first winner of The Alex Award for this season, let me give a big shoutout to my husband Alex who does an amazing job live scoring all of our episodes of TTWM. I could not run this business or host this show without him.
To demonstrate just how amazing he is (and why I need him to live score instead of using a “question/answer” form that automatically checks answers)… this week we had a round of famous people from famous families and one of the answers was Alexander Skarsgård. 12 out of 14 teams got the answer correct got this answer correct, but we had SEVEN DIFFERENT SPELLINGS of the characters name:
… and one more spelling that is the first winner of “The Alex Award” for this season: Skaarrssgaarrdd.
Many other teams had repeated a’s and r’s in various different places, but this team decided to just double up almost every letter in the entire last name. 🤣 It made Alex giggle and he chose it as his favorite answer of the week. Congrats to Clickity Clackity Crustaceans for being the first winner of “The Alex Award”!
In case you’re new here, “The Alex Award” is something we started in Season One. It allows Alex the opportunity to give a shout out to the team who provides his favorite/funniest/worst answer of the week. It can be won in a variety of different ways. Maybe you are completely off… maybe you made him chuckle… or maybe you were so close but still so far away. It’s up to Alex to decide! At the end of the whole season, Alex reviews the weekly winners of his award and chooses his favorite of the whole season and that team will win a special silly prize. So throughout the season, if you are completely stumped, you might as well throw a silly guess in because it might just win you a prize!
Further congratulations are in order to Alllll Byyyy Myyyyselffff + Mom who were the winners of the random wheel spin this week. That earns them an extra entry into the end-of-season prizes! ☸️
Corrections: Also during the Fall Trivia League, I always go back and review all of the answers to ensure that some points were not missed here or there during Alex’s live scoring. This week, we did have a few corrections and they all resulted in teams getting more points that they rightfully earned! It was because my answers to the tennis court surface question weren’t super clear to Alex in the script… and so Alex missed giving out a few points to three teams who earned them (Crafty Tiger Bitches, Thots and Prayers, and 2 Peas N a Pa). ✅
Also, if ever you feel like I should have accepted a different answer than I announce live on the show, feel free to email me afterwards with justification for your correct answer, and I will adjust scores before posting the blog.
Below you will find both the weekly scoreboard with all teams’ round scores and total scores for the night. Scores in pink show which round that team chose to use their Double Down.
🥇Congratulations to Central Adams and Jeremy Bearimy for being the sharing the top of the podium this week!
🥉Just behind them, but on their heels were three teams sharing 3rd place: Crafty Tiger Bitches, High School Musical: The Musical, The Series, The Team Name, and Petty! Petti! Pette!
The season leaderboard will be updated each week, and once any team has played more than seven shows, their lowest scores will start to drop!
Clearly we are off to a strong start with 11 teams scoring over 100 points out of 120 possible! The 14 teams below have a solid start in the fall league, but it is not too late to join in the fun! There are still nine weeks to log seven scores and be in the running for the BIG PRIZES!
Reminder: out next episode is on MONDAY, September 23 on Zoom at bit.ly/ttwmzoom24! Then we are back on Tuesdays for all of October!